Daisypath Anniversary tickers

sábado, 22 de outubro de 2011

Ta Super Fashion

Decidi ir ao Brasil afim de comercializar produtos importados e de marcas bem estabelecidas no mercado. Quando eu sai do meu emprego aqui nos Estados Unidos, eu tive a ideia firme de por em pratica tudo que aprendi na aulas de Empreendedorismo na Faculdade. Lembro que meu professor, nessa disciplina falava: “O maior erro dos estudantes de Administracao e sonhar com um emprego em uma multinacional, ao inves de criarem seu proprio negocio”. Essas palavras estavam adormecidas em minha mente e vieram a tona no momento em que eu decidi por em pratica esse conhecimento.

Afim de levar a efeito meu plano, trabalhei intensamente e integralmente, muitas vezes 10 horas ao dia, fazendo pesquisas e o Google foi meu companheiro inseparavel. Quando o negocio foi divulgado entre amigos, muito trabalho de pesquisa ja tinha sido feito. Muito tempo a criacao das paginas virtuais ja tinha sido dedicado. Meu marido foi a unica pessoa que acompanhou todos os passos do projeto e mesmo tendo alguns outros contatos empreendedores, decidi nao perguntar nada a ninguem. Primeiro porque eu sou capaz de realizar tudo o que tenho vontade, pois nao desisto no primeiro obstaculo. Segundo porque tenho um Pai Celestial amoroso, no qual acredito fielmente e sei que ira me abencoar, se eu fizer a minha parte. Terceiro, eu nao sou gananciosa. Enquanto eu tinha pesquisado e muito para fazer o que fiz, tive varias pessoas me perguntando como faze-lo, apos a apresentacao de meu projeto ao publico. Compartilhei o que pude e como pude, pois quando as perguntas vieram, me encontraram extremamente ocupada e  obviamente, eu preciso dar mais atencao ao meu proprio negocio  do que aos dos outros, porem, ainda assim, dediquei um nivel de atencao a quem me procurou.

Fiz um investimento nao sabendo de antemao no que iria resultar. Aceitei encomendas, levei produtos nao solicitados e, ja no Brasil, me mantive muito ocupada com o telefone tocando a toda hora. Foi uma experiencia muito boa. Tive certeza de que um atendimento ao cliente de qualidade age por si so. Os compradores davam minhas referencias para seus amigos e assim, eu tive a oportunidade de me relacionar com muita gente com a qual havia perdido contato e tambem conhecer novas pessoas.

Nao vou compartilhar numeros com ninguem, direi apenas que foi muito positiva a experiencia. Tive o apoio de meu marido e minha familia em Recife. E com apoio desse nivel e impossivel falhar.

Nao fui a Recife para fazer turismo, mas ainda fui abencoada com uma ida a praia, saida com a familia, ida ao Templo, e saida com os amigos da epoca da Federal, aos quais dedico muito amor e toda minha gratidao por terem aceitado o convite de nos reunirmos uma vez mais. Fora isso, tudo foi trabalho!

segunda-feira, 3 de outubro de 2011

General Conference and Family Pictures

What a great weekend this past one was! Growing up, I got more and more excited for when this time of the year comes. It is always so good getting to know what Heavenly Father wants us to know and to do.

I bought some chips and soda to make it even more delicious. We had kids laying on the floor, blankets all over the place, sometimes we kept on puking the one who look asleep, but we were all together and Ernie went with Dylan to Priesthood session and shared the remarks with me later on night. No, we are not perfect, we are way too far from perfection, but having a family that strives to do what is right sounds pretty good. Doesn’t it?

Once again, I came to say how much I love President Monson. I love the humor and its equilibrium with spirituality. He is great and does mingle these two ingredients with perfection! Loved when he said we are all together and that he loves us. Loved even more  when he said: “we love you Bob!” referring to Elder Robert D. Hales from the Quorum of the Twelve. I love the way they love each other and refer to each other with love and respect. The General authorities are my great example of friendship here on earth.

On Sunday, we all dressed up, not amazingly, just fine, to take family pictures. We just walked around the apartment complex and had a little fun as a family. Here are some of the pics of this multicultural family. Enjoy!

segunda-feira, 19 de setembro de 2011

Temple Date

I went to Mesa Temple with my eternal companion this past Saturday and had a wonderful feeling of peace and gratitude. I was refusing to go because I was not sure if it would be still open by the time we get there. Anyways... we arrived a quarter previous to the next session and we still made it. It was nice to see too many saints, too many couples. I was thinking to myself: those were probably the saints who work all the week and can only attend sessions on their day off. It makes their action even more valuable.

After I dress up and met my husband on the waiting room and walk away, the view was simply wonderful. Saints going up and down the stairs. For those who have been to Mesa Temple, make a little effort to think about what I'm saying. Those stairs full of angles, full of saints dressing white, full of those who have come to the decision of going to The House of The Lord.

I couldn't hold anymore some tears of joy. It was great being among those who have chosen the Lord. The view and the feelings were amazing.

sexta-feira, 16 de setembro de 2011

Ta Super Fashion

Gentem, se voces sao algumas das pessoas que sempre quis comprar produtos importados dos EUA e nao tinha quem os trouxesse ate voce, saibam que eu sou a pessoa que voces estavam procurando.

Chego em Recife dia 6 de outubro e aceito encomendas de perfumes importados, colonias e locoes da Victoria's Secret e outros (pagamento antecipado).  Entrem em contato comigo para ver as possibilidades e precos. Encomendas, so aceitas nas duas proximas semanas.

Clique no aqui e veja os artigos que estao a venda no momento e aproveite para seguir o blog.

sexta-feira, 9 de setembro de 2011

Fossil Spring Hike

We went to Strawberry, here in AZ on this past labor day to hike 4 miles to find a beautiful and cute waterfall and hike 4 more miles to come back, all of this after 2 hours driving. It was nice to get our of the heat in Phoenix, but I didn't know what to expect since I haven't read anything about that hike. The place is called Fossil Spring.

First, I was freaking out so the kids would take lots of water bottles each. After hiking on Arches National Park to see the Delicate Arch and having a thirsty hike experience, I had promised myself I would just go on hikes better prepared. I took as many water bottles as possible and made Ernie carry a bunch on his back pack. Seems like it was not enough.

The experience was hard and marvelous at the same time. I had a huge sense of accomplishment at the very end and deep feeling of gratitude for all that I could experience with my love, Sierra and Kohler.

We found many people hiking back to the top because they thought it was just too hard on them. For many moments I could think about Lehi's dream and that some of his loved ones didn't make to the tree. It gave me more motivation to go forward, even though I was thinking if we would have time to complete the task on day light, since we didn't carry any flashlight with us. I know! Shame on us!

I was stressed and also thought about the pioneers. Please, don't think the "rebelliousness" of some of them was an act of negligence with the purpose of their journey, it is not easy to go forward when we see the ones we love an adore in pain. We sure need faith and believe on the things we cannot see. I also witnessed that when the mother shows up some level of unbelief, the kids follow the same behavior. No wonder people say that they copy some of our behaviors whether they are good or not. 

We made to waterfall but no one jumped out of the cliff. We went swimming for just a few minutes, cooked some lunch (dried food, adding only boiling water), got some of that water to fill our empty bottles and use to drink in our way back to the top.

Then we initiated our journey back. I was very strong and not feeling the pain as much as the other ones. I had lots of food when we stopped for lunch. I also got some water of the river, to drink in the worse case scenario. I was feeling that I should made to the top alone and get more water and hike back to give my family some provisions. Ernie was carrying alone a huge backpack and also gave up his tennis shoes to Sierra, who didn't take her to this adventure. He was hiking back in flip flops. 3 hours up to the mountain in flip flops? I knew it was going to be very hard on him, and it made me hurt. Sierra had a hard time to hike on her sandals too.

I asked Sierra if she would came with me to the top ahead of Ernie and Kohler. She said she couldn't walk as fast as me. So, I had Kohler as my hope. He accepted the challenge to make me so proud of him. I kept him entertained talking about Disney, but after the first hour alone with him, we were in need of some subject, so I decided taking his pictures and asking what he liked the most in this adventure. For many times he said: "nothing", "I hated" haha. Poor Kohler. I gave up my water for him of course. Isn't it what mommies are supposed to do? He came with me to rescue his father and his Sister. I didn't carry him on my shoulder because I couldn't, but I almost did. And we made the last mile holding hands, I was kinda of pulling him. It was cute. I saw 3 guys with 2 dogs visible thirsty and offered them water from the river, what made the happiness for the dogs. Those dogs were so cute. When you have pets, you care about all of those you find on the way.

We made to the top at least 30 minutes before Ernie and Sierra. By this time I was happy and worried. the sunset was almost over and the darkness pretty close. I had a drink of water got some water bottles and went back while Kohler waited in the car. I was even singing in Portuguese in case Ernie changed the trail, so he could hear me. I think I watched too much McGiver when I was a little girl haha. It was getting dark and I wasn't sure if I could make it to Ernie and Sierra. I thought about going back and save myself. I thought about snakes, wild animals, even bears. Silly me. I was very scared and worried with them somewhere in the darkness. So I decided being guided by love and faith instead of fear. I also thought singing hymns would help and it did. I saw a white dog running on my direction and asked his owner if he saw my 2 left alone on the hike. He said they were not so far behind. Offered him some water, he said he was ok. I went further more and saw a group of  people, and one of the guys asked me if I was going alone on the hike. I told him why I was going back, asked if he saw my loved ones and he said they were not so far behind too. Offered him some water and he also refuse to accept.

About 5 minutes ahead, I had a vision. A great one. I saw my husband with that dying face and Sierra carrying the backpack. I was so proud of her for doing that. I gave them water and all the fears went away. Ernie said one of the guys on the last group I saw, filled his bottle with water. I'm so grateful for good people who share what they have with those who are in need. There are many good Samaritans on these last days, many that we'll never see again after they act of service. We made to the car under totally darkness. My Savior was our light and our water, literally.

We decided saying a prayer before we leave. Honey was crying with gratitude. And the kids and I were overwhelmed with the same feeling.

terça-feira, 16 de agosto de 2011

Dentro de Voce

As pessoas gostam quando somos agradaveis com elas. A gente pode elogiar a personalidade, a roupa, o cabelo, agradecer por um favor, por uma aula, uma visita, uma mensagem um elogio.

Eu estou amadurecendo nesse mundo internetico e tenho observado o quanto a comunicacao aqui e importante e tambem mal interpretada. Com todas as bencaos da tecnologia, a gente na frente do computador perde um pouco de sensibilidade e empatia. E tao comum usar posts para dizer o que nao se tem coragem de falar diretamente para a pessoa. Outro dia, eu resolvi mandar uma mensagem DIRETA para uma pessoa que cometeu uns erros de portugues em sua escrita. Eu so queria ajudar, e indiquei os pontos em que a escrita estava errada. Resultado: a pessoa foi muito agradavel e felizmente nao ficou magoada com a minha interferencia. Mas minha admiracao pelas pessoas vao mais alem da gramatica.

Depois eu fiquei pensando:  precisamos ser agradaveis no mundo virtual tambem. E ser tolerantes quando mal interpretados, responder com amor, ter coragem de discordar do amigo que voce ama de paixao sem se precoupar com o que vem depois, sempre nutrindo o relacionamento para que ele seja benefico para voce e para o outro. Ate porque e tao mesquinho pensar so em nos mesmos. Se houver maturidade e carinho entre as partes, tudo ficara bem.

Eu sempre fui muito de julgar. Julgar muito bem ou julgar muito mal e ao final estar errada em ambos os julgamentos. A idade nao tras so cabelos brancos nao, traz experiencia. Precisamos viver no mundo e reter o que ha de bom nele. As escrituras ate nos aconselham sobre isso. Nao temo em fazer contatos, e bom quando o circulo de amizade se renova. Com o tempo a gente vai saber quem e importante para nos e para quem somos importantes.

Para finalizar, quero expor duas coisas: as palavras da Madre Tereza e o video de uma cancao da Organizacao das Mocas da Igreja de Jesus Cristo dos Santos dos Ultimos Dias, da qual eu sou membro.

Que esses recursos ajudem-no a encher seu coracao de amor e sua mente de discernimento.

Video com o poema da Madre Tereza

Para ouvir a cancao Dentro de Voce, clique aqui, e para acompanhar com a letra, aqui.

terça-feira, 2 de agosto de 2011

Blog Visto de Noivo

Desde quando eu estava aplicando para meu visto, tive amigos e conhecidos questionando sobre o processo. Muitos porque estavam na mesma situacao. Outros por curiosidade. Como nao tenho problema em ajudar as pessoas, principalmente, as queridas, sempre compartilhei meu conhecimento e dediquei meu tempo de graca sem nenhum problema. Mas e complicado ter que parar para dar atencao exclusiva para alguem nesse sentido a nao ser que facamos isso profissionalmente.

Sempre tive o desejo de iniciar este blog. Mas nunca determinacao para sequer escrever meu plano passo a passo. Algumas semanas atras, em um domingo, estava aproveitando a tarde com meu marido quando as ideias comecaram a fluir. Eram muitas ideias, e como eu sou uma pessoa religiosa, nao as identifiquei apenas como simples ideias, mas inspiracao. Elas vinham numa intensidade tao grande que eu precisei dizer ao  meu marido o que estava acontecendo e interrompi nossa conversa para escrever tudo o que estava vindo a minha mente. Rabisquei as primeiras linhas do meu projeto para nao esquecer da inspiracao detalhada que tinha recebido. Iniciei pesquisas sobre o assunto e comecei a colocar o plano em pratica. O nome do blog e Visto de Noivo pros EUA e voce pode visualisa-lo clicando aqui.

Como tinha um tempo de folga no trabalho, o que antes poderia ter sido ate interpretado como simples ideia, foi sentido fortemente como revelacao. Eu teria tempo para dedicar as pesquisas e a criacao e organizacao do blog. Eu estou muito satisfeita com o resultado. Sou muito grata por aqueles que sem serem motivados por sorteio, estao compartilhando com seus contatos o endereco eletronico dessa fonte de conhecimento. Eu tenho visto os pequenos desafios com esse projeto serem sobrepujados com o resultado do esforco dedicado. Um amigo querido, Eduardo, fez o favor de escrever um paragrafo para estrelar as hisotiras de sucesso. E parece que mais esta para vir. Eu nao vou desanimar com a parte negativa desse ciclo. Como meu marido, muito docemente disse: "talvez voce seja o anjo na vida de alguem, meu amor". Isso foi o fermento que eu precisava para fazer esse bolo crescer ainda mais. Um dia meu lider foi um anjo em minha vida, quando ele mencionou namoro online quando eu nem tinha muito conhecimento sobre isso...

Eu tenho um carinho e admiracao muito grandes pelas mulheres de fe que como eu, mantiveram-se fieis e aguardam ansiosamente pelas bencaos do casamento eterno. Exitem muitos homens especiais aqui nos EUA que precisam encontra-las. Conheci um deles esse fim de semana. Um homem espiritual, com um emprego estavel, otimo pai, e como se nao bastasse, super divertido, bom de papo e bonito. Pude sentir em seu olhar o desejo e o merecimento de uma companheira eterna ao seu lado. Existem outros como este. Claro que o namoro online nao e a solucao para tudo, mas isso foi uma bencao em minha vida! Pode ser uma bencao na vida de outras pessoas tambem.

Me regozijo com a s bencaos da eternidade. O caminho que trilhei para encontra-las nao foi o mais tradicional. Mas foi divertido, desafiador e muito instrutivo.

quarta-feira, 15 de junho de 2011

Viagem ao Brasil

Depois de morar aqui nos Estados Unidos por 18 meses, finalmente tive a bencao de voltar a terrinha e visitar familia e amigos. A viagem foi de aprendizado, desde que esta tinha sido a primeira vez que eu retornava a Patria Amada.

Segue uma lista de conselhos que compartilho com os que estao prestes a passar pela mesma situacao, ou que estao planejando uma viagem de volta:

Compre uma balanca de malas: investi apenas $ 7,50 no Walmart e foi muito benefico este investimento. Eu entupi minhas malas de coisas e sempre pesava pra nao ter que ter surpresas no aeroporto e correr pra banheiro pra arruamr mala. Usei aqui antes de ir e no Brasil antes de embarcar. Nao tive problemas com excesso de bagagem.

Imprima um resumo de sua viagem com todos os trechos: nos cartoes de embarque eles so colocam o horario de embarque, nao o horario em que o voo esta planejando sair. Em viagens internacionais, com 3 paradas, que voce precisa sair de um terminal pra outro nos aeroportos enormes daqui, sabendo a hora que o voo sai, voce corre, mas corre na velocidade que quiser.

Reuna todos os documentos da viagem em uma pastinha: isso ajuda muito na hora do mostra ticket, mostra passaporte, mostra green card! Coloque-os num bolso acessivel.

Faca bom uso de sua mala de mao: Quem nunca ouviu historia de gente que chega no destino e as malas chegam dias depois? Eu coloquei uma roupa de domingo, alguns pares de roupa e sapatos, produtos de higiene pessoal e uma bolsa (carteira e documentos tambem, por favor!) em minha mala de mao, assim nao era pega de surpresa pelos “acidentes” da vida.

So pare pra fazer pipi depois que despachar as bagagens: Passando por alfandega e tal, a gente nunca sabe o tamanho da fila que nos aguarda, entao a nao ser que voce esteja muito apertado, e melhor aliviar a bexiga quando a mente tambem estiver aliviada.

Faca uma agenda com a sua programacao de voos: depois de pagar nao sei quanto por uma passagem, melhor ter uma programacao do que vai fazer nos seus dias, senao voce fica a merce de agenda de terceiros e muito sujeito a convites que nao sao interessantes, mas que voce pode ficar tentado a aceitar, so pq nao sabe o que vai fazer anquele horario.

Nao tenha vergonha de dizer nao: vai ter muita gente ligando, pedindo pra voce ir ve-los e tal. E gente demais pra administrar. A estrela e voce (sem soberba), entao quem quiser ve-lo, a nao ser que voce nao tenha um roteiro que permita encontrar com estas pessoas, que va na sua casa, ou hotel em que estara hospedado, num horario conveniente a voce. Nao adianta se lamentar por ano ter visto todos, acho que e impossivel que a agenda do mundo combine perfeitamente com a sua. Relaxe e nao se estresse!

Se prepare para os golpes: muita gente vai achar que porque voce mora nos Estados Unidos, ou ficou rica, ou ficou abestalhada. Entao vao querer dar uma montadinha em seu galope, cobrando mais caro pra prestar servicos a voce ou simplesmente querendo que voce patrocine as farras. Nao tenha vergonha de rachar a conta, se voce sabe que nao pode pagar pra todos. Eu nao tenho vergonha, por exemplo, de dizer que so mudei de pais, mas que o status de pobre continua o mesmo. Eu ate tirava onda nos lugares dizendo que era do interior ou do Morro da Conceicao. Em porto de Galinhas, os vendedores acham que todos sao turistas. E importante deixar bem claro pra eles que voce e da terra. Pra pagar o preco justo, ja finji ate sotaque carioca na Cidade Maravilhosa. Eu quero e preco!

Fale com todos os amigos e inimigos: eu abracei ate maconheiro suado sem camisa e isso foi ate mais facil do que falar com gente invejosa que aparecia em meu caminho. Foi muito gostoso ouvir que a minha “fama” nao subiu pra cabeca. isso fez muito bem a mim como pessoa.

Se puder, leve ou traga uma encomenda pra alguem: nao precisa se transformar em empresa de transporte 0800 pra ninguem, mas o que a gente faz hoje por alguem, talvez, amanha alguem faca por nos. Nao precisa divulgar “tenho espaco em minhas malas quem vai querer?” Mas se voce, puder, faca. Eu levei e trouxe coisa, de e pra gente querida, nao aproveitadora, que fica a espreita, super atentos ao dia de sua viagem pra dar o golpe. Pra proveitadores a frase: “eu adoraria, mas ja estou com malas prontas” soa perfeito!

Ganhe dinheiro: nada de levar coisa pros outros pelo preco que voce comprou aqui e receber no Brasil a quantidade equivalente em Reais, com centavos contados. Se alguem quiser encomendar, cobre sua comissao! Voce vai gastar combustivel e tempo pra fazer favor? So se for pra mamae ne? ninguem nunca me deu um guardanapo usado quando eu morava la, pq vou fazer graca pro povo rir? Use o bom senso pra nao contradizer esse conselho com o anterior. A regra e: “fazer o que e melhor pra voce e nao pros outros!” Ninguem contribuiu pra a compra da sua passagem.

Divirta-se: o tanto quanto puder, saia com familia e amigos. Priorize familia sempre. Essa escolha nunca falha. Visite lugares nos quais voce se sente bem. Registre esses acontecimentos. Encha sua mala de coisas deliciosas pra trazer de volta. Abrace e beije as pessoas queridas. Chore, chore e chore ate secarem as lagrimas, se e que isso e possivel. E entao, volte com um coracao cheio de gratidao pra o seu lar.

Eu achei que estava indo visitar meu lar, mas quando cheguei no Brasil, percebi que meu lar e ao lado do meu marido, no momento, aqui os Estados Unidos, mas que poderia ser qualquer lugar do mundo. O Brasil e o pais onde eu nasci e um lugar que amo demais, onde esta uma parte preciosissima de minha familia. Foi dificil demais ficar duas semanas longe de meu companheiro eterno. Eu me regozijo em ama-lo. Tenho um respeito ainda maior por aqueles que precisam aguardar a ressurreicao para se reunirem novamente aquele que e o seu companheiro eterno. Duas semanas foi um periodo longo demais. Admiro os que estao esperando muito mais do que isso. Sou profundamente grata pela possibilidade de as familias serem eternas. Mais do que um aprendizado social, esta viagem foi de aprendizado e aproveitamento espirituais.

quarta-feira, 2 de março de 2011

Grandma and Grandpa Pratt in AZ for Dylan`s Eagle Court

Ernie has invited his parents to come for visit many times, but I don`t blame them for not accepting the invitation in the Summer. The weather was really nice and it was a cold weekend. They probably thought they would feel warmer here, but somewhere else, someone has turned the “air conditioner” on. It was fun to hear the jokes grandpa had made about the weather He has found here.


They arrived and after Ernie gets home from work we had a delicious fish I cooked for dinner. Mom and dad`s good influence over family scripture study and family prayer is priceless. I love to hear them praying and remembering to mention each member of our family.


Ernie had the day off so we all went to the Temple where we enjoyed a delicious food! I remember back in my tOld country Buffetown, I used to go to the Temple the day before fast Sunday. So after a section I had my lunch and started my fasts there. It was so good. We came back home to rest a little bit and went to pick up the kids. In my opinion everybody was happy to gather together that night. And then, we went to Old Country Buffet for dinner. I ate everything I could. I guess we all had fun.


We all woke up very early to go to the Grand Canyon. Mom and Dad were amazed with how cold it was. Even Sierra, who didn't go, woke up and spent time with Shade. Grandma, being a grandma, got some tread and needle to fix some wholes in one of Kohler`s panda bear. It is a huge bear. Everybody was planning on asking Kohler to leave the bear at home. But I knew grandma Pratt had promised him to fix it and she would go to the Grand Canyon fixing her “great grandPANDAson”. So, everyone stopped complaining about the panda and we went in our adventure. How nice was that to have a grandma around Kohler? He was so excited to have his grandma and his big bear in the same car. THANKS GRANDMA FOR THE PANDA!!!

It was grandma and grandpa`s first time at The Grand Canyon. My amazing husband was so excited to take our favorites in adventures. Unfortunately, it was snowing so much and we didn't appreciate the view as we were supposed to. We made quick stops for a few pictures.

We went to the Navajo restaurant and made fun of Ernie`s and Dylan`s mini (because it was HUGE) Navajo Tacos.

Ernie talked about visiting The Meteor Crater and convinced everybody to go. To learn more about this place read this. It was so windy out there. I was careful enough to hold on tight on the bars to not fly away. Another section of pictures and we drove back home stopping only at the gas station to fill the car and empty the bladder ha-ha.

At home I prepared the lunch for Sunday, because I knew it would be a busy day. Mom, taught me how to fix Dylan`s scout uniform. She is my mentor in everything about sewing machine.


We had Ward Conference. An amazing one. Oh how I loved everything about it. Not very often we are blessed to hear both Bishop and Stake President in the same meeting.The Sunday class was perfect. We were reminded of our family responsibilities. I loved to hear: “Family don`t need to get sick to get better”, among other great pearls of spiritual knowledge.

At home we had lunch when my love got back from church and his calling. Grandma and grandpa drove the kids to their mom`s so Dylan would have time to be prepared for his Eagle Court. We drove later with our small contribution of food for the dinner.

I took many pictures of Dylan`s Eagle court, because I knew I wouldn't be able to express my feelings about it. Dylan is a fantastic kid and I can see in him the influence of being born of good parents, as Nephi had declared in the 1st verse of the Book of Mormon. I guess everybody got emotional. It was one of those very important family moments watching Dylan accomplishing this great work and becoming an Eagle Scout of America. We are all proud of him. He was genuine and honest in his talk. I loved to see the happiness in my husband`s face. He barely could speak. I could share many scriptures that were popping in my mind about parents responsibilities. “When you see your kid doing important things in their own, you see that you have done your job as a parent”. My husband shared his feelings, recalling these words we heard earlier that day in our Ward Conference.

Monday morning was the day mom and dad would leave. They left and took with them our sincere gratitude for their love, their example and their time.

segunda-feira, 28 de fevereiro de 2011

Aunt Cynthia

I have a mother daughter/son relationship with my nieces and nephews.  3 of them have been baptized, but they haven`t received from my sisters the support they needed to remain firm in their faith. I love my sisters, but not being a member doesn`t help at all. They never thought it was important wake them up on Sundays morning to go to church for example. They don`t have a testimony about it. It is hard to be far and not have the same influence over them and remember them that they are loved by a Heavenly Father and that their lives have purpose.


this picture was taken when I left Brazil

Flavio Rodrigo: He is 18 years old. I had become an aunt when he was born. Flavinho, as we call him, loves soccer. His dream is play for some soccer team in Italy or Spain one day. We don`t agree in this subject because we both don`t cheer for the same soccer team in my hometown. Flavio is very smart. He can learn very quickly many things. When He was around 15, he has figured out that he can dance and very well. I was always impressed by how well he could dance Brazilian style. But his purpose is enjoy the life in its fullness. I remember doing family scripture study with him and family prayer. Specially when something wrong was going on in our family. I love him so much. He has gotten his first job and I am really excited for him. I always tell him to behave at work and do his best.



Maria Eduarda: She is my copy: thin and smart. Du, Duda (or any other crazy nickname I had called her in the past) is really responsible and will hate anyone who crosses her mom`s way. She has an adoration for her mom, my older sister Joelma, who is also, Flavio`s mother. She has been graduated from high School when was 16 years old. Now, a year later, she is studying to be a Mechanic Technician. I wonder when she goes to College which field she will choose. She tried to become a top model but it didn`t work. She is also in her first job, working for a popular department store in Brazil. Whenever I have a chance, I tell her to be honest and do her best, not waiting someone to tell her to do something she sees that needs to be done. She makes everyone in our family proud. She inherit the cloths I couldn't fit in my suitcase when I moved.

su e du

Suellen Rayssa: Sylvia, my other sister is her mom. Suellen has been raised for my mom, to allow Sylvia to keep her job and for her dad`s mom later. Today, being 15 years old, she has had problems to progress at school repeatedly. I was too demanding with her in the past, asking her to do what was right in my view. suellenSuellen is so beautiful in and out. I miss not being close to her to say as much as didn`t say in the past that I love her and that she is a special daughter of Heavenly Father. I talked to her over the phone today and I reminded her of this. But, to say the truth, I wish I was closer to have the opportunity to hug her strongly. The youth needs us to remind them of their spiritual values. Specially when they think they don`t have a skill or that they aren`t worthy. They usually can`t believe it themselves, unless someone believes it first. Su, has been back to school and we are setting up some goals, so she can feel proud of herself. 

Leonardo: He is the youngest and was named after my father. He is doing great at school and I sent him some gifts to recognize the good job he has done. Leo, has an OgAAABBbw2BRHRNUECuc3AjiXcoY_ImGe-SIxan7aPFrZ8VcmipB_k_9hL6IOr1B5vkAcl3fyfpo_K-D2E4tNA1q3qYAm1T1UHW2JZbwD4WURlLuTndXXvDO_-JUadoration for Du, my niece. I think Du is his favorite member of our family. He is playing soccer too, and is excited to learn more and more. Recently, he had a “birthday party” to celebrate his 8th year of life and his dad`s sister had a surprise at her house, because she had promised him to bake him a cake: her house was full of kids from the neighborhood on the evening. The result of Leo inviting everybody to his “party”. There was no place to step forward or step back there on that night. Sylvia, his mom, always says he is going to be a dentist and I don`t know if it is his desire or her dream. I remember one night when he was a baby, I decided staying at home with him instead of hanging out with my lds friends. I wrote it in my journal that night.


Because my sisters are not members, I thought I would have the responsibility to nourish them spiritually. I do it as much as I can, but it is not so easy. I love being an aunt.

domingo, 13 de fevereiro de 2011

Patriarchal Blessing

Today, Dylan received his Patriarchal Blessing and it was a priceless family experience. I am so very thankful for mine and I know he`ll love his and will use it to strengthen his testimony of Our Savior and His true gospel. Sometime ago, we had a Relief Society activity in my Ward about Patriarchal Blessing. I was in WA in that occasion but I was really glad to get a handout later and now I share here it. Sorry guys, I scanned the pages and hope you can read what is on it. Maybe printing the pictures is the best way to read because the font is really small on it.

Patriarchal blessing front 001

Patriarchal Blessing back 001

quarta-feira, 9 de fevereiro de 2011

Helping your husband to reach his full potential.

Other day I went to Deseret Book store and as I couldn't find what I was looking for, I kept on browsing what they have to offer. Don`t you know women are supposed to buy even when they don`t purchase what they want? Just kidding. I saw a little cute book with a title almost the same as the one in this post. I went through the pages to read a little, as we usually do before buying a book. The author has good ideas under this subject. But I find myself reading what I already do. I didn't purchased anything.

So, I went back to home and pondered about relationships between the couple. I don`t know if it is a newly wedded woman speaking of if it is a natural gift that I hold. But I think I treat my husband as a King. To me, he is the most important person on earth. My best friend, the easiest to love. I treat him as a King, I mean King with a capital “K”.

There are many people out there who can`t be humble to recognize how amazing is the person with whom they are married. Some homes have no place for the love to be spoken. It hurts my thoughts and much more my feelings. The Gospel is so clear and easy to understand. I know it is quite hard to be obedient, but try it at least. Sometime ago I heard this: “About your loved ones (and now I have husband and kids in my mind), we should praise them in public and correct them in secret)”. Ask me about my husband and the kids and I`ll always tell you how amazing they are. This is one of the thoughts I shared with Ernie and he agreed in doing that. Against your will, you`ll find many people to tell you what to do. Don`t give them one more reason to manage you. If you tell them how bad is this or how bad is that, they`ll make you act as they think is the best. But they don`t know. Your eternal companion is the one who should know about his owns mistakes or actions that didn't bring happiness at all. Remember the power of communicating your feelings.

I pray a lot for my husband reaches his full potential. After many years working for the same company, He has decided to move forward and experience the “waters in another ocean”. I know how responsible he is. I`m so grateful and proud of him for working hard and providing for us and the kids. I even destroyed the “buyer dispositive” I had in my brain to be financial responsible in this time of changes. I get so excited every time He comes with a new situation that happened at work and tell me everything about it. I remember him asking me: “what if I`m doing the wrong choice?” I told him that even if he mistakes he will do it trying to do the right thing, with the best of his abilities. And counseled him to not think negatively about what the future holds. Heavenly Father always provides when we are doing our best.

I kept on taking care of him and our home. I love so much our place. It is what we can afford. It is where we can be happy together. I`m so very thankful for everything that we have. I let him know that I notice his hard work and that I love what he does. I recognize my husband as the leader in our home and I enjoy working with Him in this matter, but I know that he is the one who holds the Priesthood and receive revelations to guide our family.

“Open your eyes before you get married. When you get married, close them”. I heard Decoles Granja, a former Stake President, repeat this statement over and over. He meant by this that we cannot live well together in a environment full of criticism. We`ll do some mistakes, but that is why forgiven exists. You had your chance to choose, and now that you did, please, love your choice. I love my choice.


This month, the visiting teaching message on Ensign has this quote from Joseph Smith: “The Church was never perfectly organized until the women were thus organized”. And I paraphrase: neither our husband or family. Be the change you want to see and you`ll help your husband reaching his full potential.

segunda-feira, 7 de fevereiro de 2011

Aos lideres do Sacerdocio um muito obrigado!

Ha alguns anos atras, acho que entre os anos de 2000 e 2002 (nao lembro qual exatamente), tivemos em Recife muitas visitas do Elder Scott. Eram Seroes para adultos solteiros e ORM, Conferencia Regional, direito a ouvi-lo no Instituto. elder scottEu tive experiencias pessoais muito marcantes com a presenca daquele ungido do Senhor em minha cidade. Sei que nao e adequado falar de favoritismo no que diz respeito ao Apostolado, mas, nao diferente de alguns outros amigos, o Elder Scott tornou-se meu favorito. Ele, juntamente com o Profeta, eram sempre os discursos mais esperados nas Conferencias Gerais, principalmente, porque o Elder Scott traduz o proprio discurso em portugues. Era tao bom ser admoestado no meu idioma por uma testemunha do Salvador. Tao edificante ser inspirada atraves de suas palavras que nao importa o que tenhamos feito, o Senhor nos ama e nos perdoara sempre, mediante nossa demonstracao de arrependimento. Essa saudade bateu porque vi alguns amigos comentarem com alegria de um serao que aconteceu em Recife, ontem, com a presenca do Elder Claudio Costa.

Fui muito abencoada com a lideranca de pessoas tao especiais no passado em minha cidade. Tive Mauricio Cabral como meu primeiro Presidente de Ramo, Jamesson Ferreira, Cristiano Albuquerque, Jilcireno Dionizio, Kleber Lima e Jao Francisco como meus bispos. Granja, Homolka e Edney Moura como meus Presidentes de Estaca. Sem mencionar as duplas que cada um desses homens teve como Conselheiros. Em minha juventude rebelde as vezes fui “grossa”. Mas com o passar dos anos eu entendi, e hoje sei que cada um desses homens, chamado pelo Senhor para me guiar, me ajudaram de alguma maneira a me manter firme. E por essas coisas eu dedico a eles minha eterna gratidao. Aqui eu nesse pouco tempo ja vi uma mudanca na lideranca de minha Ala. Amo demais o Bispo Otteson e sou grata pela lideranca dele e tambem de seu antecessor, Bispo Web. O meu Presidente de Estaca e um amor. Da pra imaginar um Patriarca sendo seu Presidente de Estaca? Por ai voce tira. As vezes, quando ele esta no pulpito, da umas pausas nas palavras e eu tenho a impressao de que ele para pra escutar, se e que voce me entende.

Ainda bem que eles me amaram o suficiente para suportar o meu barulho.

quinta-feira, 3 de fevereiro de 2011

Let me share a little of what brought me to US…

I was 25 and single. Single LDS guys were rare in my city. Well, at least the ones about my age. Most of my friends were married. They had other couples to hang out with. I have been active all my life. I attended every single conference, Institute Classes and broadcast possible. Being in a place where you can find LDS people improves your chance of find “that special someone”. But, nope, there was no guy available in that “market”.

One day I had an unofficial conversation with my stake President, Hebert Homolka. I confided: “there is no man here”. By this, I meant: no guys available to date. I was not the only one complaining. I understand that it wasn't the Priesthood leader’s fault, but as he was my friend and not only my leader I felt comfortable to share. He answered me: “you should try the thing online”. I felt weird. I wasn't an “online person”. Then I saw myself going into those “what ifs”: “President, what if I fell into one of those prostitution networks?” There are tons of Brazilians dating or finding jobs out of the country that are forced to be sexual slaves. This happens especially in European countries. So, my stake President, who knows English better than I said: “When you find the guy, ask what Ward he attends, ask for that ward’s phone number. I`ll call his leaders to check his background”. I felt safe. He may not remember that, but I did. Actually I never asked for his help after that. I had my own way to do the right thing. The Temple was only 10 minutes away from my house. When there was a guy online interested in going to Brazil to meet me, I also invited him to bring his Temple Recommend, so we could go to the Temple together. In my mind, to marry me in the Temple, he has to be a Temple Recommend holder. So… This is what I did.

I went to one of those LDS dating websites, there are tons of them. I met the first one at www.ldsmingle.com. He went to Brazil, we had fun, but, we broke up. Then I met another guy at www.ldsplanet.com. Yes, I had profiles in many of these websites - ha-ha. This guy went to Brazil 2 times in almost 2 years of the relationship. But it didn't work. After two tries of online date, I felt like: “It is not going to work”. I was even accepting the idea of being a single forever. I would rather accept that, than marrying outside the Temple. In other words, for those who don`t know, yes, Ernie was my 3rd American boyfriend. And… How did I meet him? I used the technology on my behalf. I didn't have anything to do at the time I was just chatting with my ex every night after college. So, I connected into one of these websites, now, a third one: www.ldslinkup.com. Many guys were sending me e-mails; some good-looking ones, some weird ones, some funny ones, some dirty ones and even some inactive ones. I felt myself having fun and not feeling depressed. You don`t have to trust everything online. If someone shows no virtue in conversation, by a simple click, we can delete this person from our life forever. Easy. Right? Maybe not.

By sharing this: I`m not trying to say that the online thing is the best. It’s not magic. It’s not the perfect way to meet people. But at least it worked to me. I just would like to share a little more information about this online dating thing. Before the US guys arrived in Recife, I was available to go in a date with the LDS guys, but it never happened. “What if” someone interesting showed up? Would I lose the opportunity of dating someone closer to me? Of course not! But, there were no guys available or interested. I had no dates with Brazilians. The last Brazilian I dated was in 2002. Stupid Brazilians! Just kidding. How could they let me go? Ha-ha.

So, when I met Ernie, I had almost giving up. I didn't want to suffer again. It is a lot of emotional investment. Then I thought: “What if” He is the right guy? “What if” now, I`m the wrong, losing the chance of getting to know someone who shows interest? And after prayers, my worries went away. I welcomed him to my city. We were pretty honest about what was going on in our lives. Honesty was very helpful. So, Ernie went to Brazil 5 times, we got engaged on his second trip, during Christmas. The last time He flew, we went to Rio de Janeiro for my VISA interview. My family fell in love with him as they do with everybody else who shows the humor that Ernie has. My grandma took as good care of him as if he was her own blonde grown up grandson - ha-ha. Anyway; I arrived in Phoenix on November 18th, 2009. A month later we were sealed in the Mount Timpanogos Temple.


Minha foto
Chandler, Arizona, United States
Sou a CEO da minha familia, a chef da nossa cozinha, piloto de fogao, especialista em transportes, decoradora, pscicologa, medica, esposa, mae, amiga... a lista e grande. mas tem uma coisa que sou igualzinha a voce: IMPERFEITA (O).