Daisypath Anniversary tickers

sábado, 7 de novembro de 2009


Em uma escola muito heterogênea, onde estudam alunos de várias classes sociais, durante uma aula de português, a professora pergunta:

- Qual é o significado da palavra 'óbvio'?

Rapidamente, Luana, menina rica, uma das mais aplicadas alunas da classe, respondeu:

- Prezada professora, hoje acordei bem cedo, depois de uma ótima noite de sono no conforto de meu quarto. Desci a enorme escadaria de nossa residência e me dirigi à copa onde era servido o café. Depois de deliciar-me, fui até a janela que dá vista para o jardim de entrada. Percebi que se encontrava guardado na garagem o automóvel BMW do meu pai. Pensei com meus botões: - É ÓBVIO que meu pai foi ao trabalho de Audi.

Sem querer ficar para trás, Luiz Cláudio Wilson, de uma família de classe média, acrescentou:

- Professora, hoje eu não dormi muito bem, porque meu colchão é meio duro. Eu consegui acordar assim mesmo, porque pus o despertador do lado da cama. Levantei meio zonzo, comi um pão meio muxibento e tomei café. Quando saí para a escola, vi que o fusca do papai estava na garagem. Imaginei: - É ÓBVIO que o papai não tinha dinheiro para gasolina, foi trabalhar de busão.

Embalado na conversa, Wandercleison Maicon Jáqueson, de classe baixa (é óbvio), também quis responder:

- Fessora, hoje eu quase não durmi, porquê teve tiroteio até tarde na favela. Só acordei de manhã porquê tava morrendo de fome, mas não tinha nada pra cumê mesmo... quando olhei pela janela do barracão, vi a minha vó com o jornal debaixo do braço e pensei: - É ÓBVIO que ela vai cagá. Num sabe lê!

domingo, 20 de setembro de 2009

Don`t forget who you are

This past month i had one special day to spend some time with great friends. Gaby, who are married, mom of 2 girls (Ana Clara and Elisa) and live in Brasilia. Roberta who is married and has Rebequinha (the cute girl in my arms). With Helgation, who is back to Idaho (BYU), i had a blast, doing funny programs: shopping, going beach, dinner and much more. I`m glad for that simple and great day. It was such a miracle having all of them with Li, the one from my ward, at the same day. Special women who make me remember who i am and wich dreams i have. Gaby is such a great example to me. As Roberta, she is married and sealed for all eternity to a worth priesthood holder who guide the family in rigtheousness. This made me remember that i had the same goal: build a eternal family. Helgation lives in US for more than 5 years. But i`m proud of her testmony and faith. Li is always close to me, but as i`m preparing to leave Brazil, i`m gonna miss her a lot. The truth is: we have the same dream and if we are worth to reach that dream, maybe we can be neighbors THERE.

Li, Beta, Gaby, Me (with Rebequinha), Helgation, Ana Clara and Elisa.

sexta-feira, 18 de setembro de 2009

Poema do noivo e resposta da noiva MUITO BOM


Que feliz sou eu,meu amor!
Já,já estaremos casados,
o café da manhã na cama,
um bom suco e pão torrado

Com ovos bem mexidinhos
tudo pronto bem cedinho
depois irei pro trabalho
e voce para o mercado

Daí vc. corre prá casa
rápidinho,arruma tudo
e corre pro seu trabalho
para começar seu turno

Voce sabe que de noite
gosto de jantar bem cedo
de ver voce bem bonita
alegre e sorridente

Pela noite mini-séries
cineminha bem barato
nunca iremos ao shopping
nem a restaurantes caros

Voce vai cozinhar pra mim
comidinhas bem caseiras
pois não sou dessas pessoas
que gosta de comer fora...

Voce não acha querida
que esses serão dias gloriosos?
Não se esqueça meu amor
que logo seremos esposos!


Que sincero meu amor!
Que oportuna tuas palavras!
Esperas tanto de mim
que me sinto intimidada

Não sei fazer ovo mexido
como sua mãe adorada,
meu pão torrado se queima
de cozinha não sei nada!

Gosto muito de dormir,
até tarde, relaxada
ir ao shopping fazer compras
com a Mastercard dourada

Sair com minhas amigas,
comprar só roupa de marca
sapatos só exclusivos
e as lingeries mais caras

Pense bem,que ainda há tempo
a igreja não está paga
eu devolvo meu vestido
e voce seu terno de gala

E domingo bem cedinho
prá começar a semana,
ponha aviso num jornal
com letras bem destacadas


By Vilma Siqueira

terça-feira, 25 de agosto de 2009


Estavam reunidas, a Sininho, a Fiona e a Angelina Jolie , na Disney, jogando conversa fora... Aí a Sininho disse:- 'Eu sou a menor fadinha do mundo!!!' A Fiona revidou:- 'Sou a ogra mais feia do planeta!!!' E a Angelina Jolie finalizou:- 'Sou a mulher mais linda, inteligente, generosa, simpática, amiga e a mais maravilhosa do mundo!!! Mas como elas queriam que isso fosse comprovado... pegaram o GuinessBook... A Sininho abriu na pagina 873...e realmente estava lá: - Sininho, A Menor Fada Do Mundo.... todos ficaram impressionados......... A Fiona pegou o livro, abriu na página 585 e estava lá escrito: - Fiona, A ogra mais feia do mundo . 'OOOOOHHHHH' todos. Por último, a Angelina Jolie pegou o livro, abriu na página 97... depois dealguns minutos de silêncio e uma cara de fúria, (PRATICAMENTE NUM ATAQUE DE PELANCA), ela gritou:
-Quem é essa tal de Cynthia Reis??????

sábado, 18 de julho de 2009


Devemos ter feito algo de muito grave,
Para sentirmos tanta saudade...

Trancar o dedo numa porta dói.
Bater com o queixo no chão dói.
Torcer o tornozelo dói.
Um tapa, um soco, um pontapé , doem.
Dói bater a cabeça na quina da mesa,
Dói morder a língua, dói cólica, cárie e pedra no rim.
Mas o que mais dói é a saudade.
Saudade de um irmão que mora longe,
Saudade de uma cachoeira da infância,
Saudade do gosto de uma fruta que não se encontra mais,
Saudade do pai que morreu, do amigo imaginário que nunca existiu,
Saudade de uma cidade,
Saudade da gente mesmo, que o tempo não perdoa.
Doem estas saudades todas.
Mas a saudade mais dolorida é a saudade de quem se ama.
Saudade da pele, do cheiro, dos beijos.
Saudade da presença, e até da ausência consentida.
Você podia ficar no quarto e ela na sala, sem se verem, mas sabiam-se lá.
Você podia ir para o dentista e ela pra faculdade, mas sabiam-se onde.
Você podia ficar o dia sem vê-la, ela sem vê-lo, mas sabiam-se amanhã.
Contudo, quando o amor de um acaba, ou torna-se menor,
Ao outro sobra uma saudade que ninguém sabe como deter.
Saudade é basicamente não saber.
Não saber mais se ela continua fungando num ambiente frio.
Não saber se ele continua sem fazer a barba por causa daquela alergia.
Não saber se ela ainda usa aquela saia.
Não saber se ele foi à consulta com o dermatologista como prometeu.
Não saber se ela tem comido bem por causa daquela mania de estar sempre ocupada,
Se ele tem assistido às aulas de inglês, se aprendeu a entrar na Internet,
A encontrar a página do Diário Oficial, se ela aprendeu a estacionar entre dois carros,
Se ele continua preferindo Malzebier, se ela continua detestando McDonalds,
Se ele continua amando, se ela continua a chorar até nas comédias.
Saudade é não saber mesmo!
Não saber o que fazer com os dias que ficaram mais compridos,
Não saber como encontrar tarefas que lhe cessem o pensamento,
Não saber como frear as lágrimas diante de uma música,
Não saber como vencer a dor de um silêncio que nada preenche.
É não saber se ela está feliz, e ao mesmo tempo perguntar a todos os amigos por isso...
É não querer saber se ele está mais magro, se ela está mais bela.
Saudade é nunca mais saber de quem se ama, e ainda assim doer.
Saudade é isso que eu estive sentido enquanto escrevia
E o que você provavelmente estará sentindo depois que acabar de ler.

sábado, 4 de julho de 2009

while some are crying others are sealing handkerchif

How? Why? Are not always easy questions to answer.

So, we better choose wich side do we wanna be:

Crying or Seeling handkerchif?

Some time ago i got a text that Shakespeare wrote and it say something like: "we should keep our garden instead of waiting someone bring us flowers"

I think both thoughts reflect the same idea, even thoug Shakespeare shared a great consel, a proative attitude. I know, by my own actions, that selling hadkerchif isn`t easy. It should be a choice followed by great faitih. But I know, right after the decision is made, the power of heaven comes to us, and being sensitive we can feel the Lord`s love and then we`ll be the best people "selling handkerchif"

quarta-feira, 1 de julho de 2009

The right thing at the right time....

I think you guys know how do we feel when we wanna go to "that" Restaurant, but we don`t have money to. And we can only consider eating a hot dog... The Restaurant seems so far of reality...

Some posts ago i wrote about waiting http://cintilantesworld.blogspot.com/2009/05/wait-wait-wait.html
It was a very simple one, where i could share one of the scriptures i love in Doctrine and Convenants. Well... i waited! The work was well done and the right thing at the right time just appear to me: "I GOT THE PERFECT JOB" The company is great, the Director too, the people too, the rules too, the atmosphere too, even though the salary. My contract is a temporary one, only for 30 days. The Secretary is going in vacation and i`ll get her place. It is temporary but is the kind of job i`m looking for. It fits very well with my current perspective.

"Father in heaven thanks for all thy many blessings"

terça-feira, 23 de junho de 2009

sábado, 6 de junho de 2009

Brasil 4 X "Air France" 228

Seleção Brasileira vence Uruguai no Estádio Centenário. 33 anos se passaram desde que nosso país tenha vencido naquele lugar. O resultado favoreceu a equipe brasileira, que conquistara 4 gols não apenas devido ao trabalho realizado na ofensiva mas também na defensiva. Júlio César, nosso goleiro, que comportou-se poderosamente como o imperador romano de mesmo nome, brilhou tanto quanto os flashes em sua direção ao final do jogo. Como o próprio Galvão Bueno disse, parecia que aquele goleiro pedia que chutassem a gol, pois ele estaria sempre lá, mesmo nas visivelmemente mais complicadas investidas da equipe opositora. É... depois de uma rouquidão por gritar "Goooooooooooollllllll" por quatro vezes e aquela alegria de vencer no futebol que os brasileiros conhecem tão bem, a TV volta com as "updates" sobre o último desastre aéreo, com o Airbus 330 da companhia Air France, o famoso vôo 447. Após desaparecer enquanto sobrevoava o Atlântico com 228 pessoas a bordo, pouca notícia se obteve após 5 dias de busca. Consternados, pelo menos aqui em casa, e creio que esta situação reflita muito dos lares brasileiros e franceses, paramos qualquer atividade (preparar alimentos, limpar a casa e talvez até desligar o chuveiro) para ouvir as notícias sobre o trabalho que a marinha e aeronáutica brasileira vem realizando. Mesmo com tanta tristeza envolvendo essa história, o desaparecimento desse avião e a pouca certeza de se chegar à real causa do acidente, continua sendo a vencedora na mídia (ainda bem). O futebol, como poucas atividades, tem o poder de alegrar (como hoje) ou entristecer branco, preto, rico e pobre ao mesmo tempo. Também, esses mesmos grupos, ficaram tristes, apreensivos, e também curiosos com qualquer nova informação a respeito do vôo 447, que fazia a rota Rio-Paris, e que não simplesmente desaparecera após as 23h do último domingo. Os olhos que podem derramar lágrimas com a vitória brasileira sobre a equipe uruguaia são os mesmos que choram a perda de amigos, parentes ou simplesmente concidadãos.
Que o Senhor abençõe aquelas famílias.

quinta-feira, 4 de junho de 2009

Teste psicológico para psicopatas

Esse é um teste psicológico de verdade...

- Uma garota, durante o funeral de sua mãe, conheceu um rapaz que nunca tinha visto antes. Achou o cara tão maravilhoso que acreditou ser O homem da sua vida. Apaixonou-se por ele e começaram um namoro que durou uma semana. Sem mais nem menos, o rapaz sumiu e nunca mais foi visto. Dias depois, a garota matou a própria irmã.

Questão: Qual o motivo da garota ter matado sua própria irmã??? (Não desça até o final antes de ter pensado em uma resposta!!!!!) Realmente tente responder pois é interessante.

* Resposta:* - Ela matou porque esperava que o rapaz pudesse aparecer Novamente no funeral de sua irmã.

Se você acertou a resposta, você pensa como um psicopata. Esse é um famoso teste psicológico americano para reconhecer a Mente de assassinos seriais ( Serial Killers). A maioria dos assassinos presos acertou a resposta. Para um psicopata, sempre OS fins justificam OS meios. - Se você errou... Bom para você, Bom para sua família e Bom para seus amigos.

- Se você acertou a resposta...
Apague MEU nome da sua agenda,
Apague MEU nº do seu celular,
Apague MEU e-mail do seu micro e
Esqueça que me conheceu um dia!!!

* ME ESQUECE! .. rs rs rs rs rs rs rs

terça-feira, 2 de junho de 2009


Mórmon não diz o que sabe: presta testemunho.
Mórmon não afirma: testifica.
Pra mórmon não existe mentira: existe apostasia.
Mórmon não paquera: procura um parceiro celestial.
Mórmon não casa até que a morte os separe: sela para toda a eternidade.
Mórmon não pensa: pondera.
Mórmon não cuida da saúde: guarda a Palavra de Sabedoria.
Mórmon não tem intuição: tem o dom do Espírito Santo.
Mórmon não tem energia: tem fogo nos ossos.
Mormon não tem problemas: passa por provações.
Mórmon não supera dificuldades: sobrepuja fraquezas.
Mórmon não morre: vai para o mundo espiritual.
Mórmon não peca: fubeca.
Mórmon não lê a Bíblia: ESTUDA AS ESCRITURAS!!!!!.
Mórmon não cumpre penitência: fica em Período Probatório.
Mórmo não reza: conversa com o Pai Celestial.
Mórmon não aconselha: exorta.
Pra mórmon não existe índio: existe lamanita.
Mórmon não faz acordo: faz convênio.
Mórmon não chama a atenção: queima.
Mórmon não é mórmon: é Santo Dos Últimos Dias.

domingo, 31 de maio de 2009

I better go to the gym...

Oh boy... since i'm at home again (no job - the English Classes ends) i have been "talking" to the refrigerator a lot. We are so great friends that i gain 3kg so far. Refrigerators have always nice stuffs to offer, like coca-cola, cheese, juice...in other words: foooooood
Well the "kg" gained come always to my belly, than i thought i better go to the gym. I decide to invite my sister Sylvia to go with me and gave her a "present": i paid for her first month at the gym... opssss did i buy her companiorship? Well, i don't think so. She gives me a lot and she also needs gym. She is also nice to be with. What should be better than having her close?
I'm not satisfied with how thin are my legs and thigh. In the past it was like the "two pencils" so, i decide to work the muscles on that area to make them looks better and be a little harder. I'm not a superficial woman who only thinks about fisical body, but i keep sacred my belief about how sacrad is my body and that is a Temple to the spirit, my own spirit. It is also a gift from heaven and taking care of my imperfect "little body" i'll show that i am greateful for that. Going to the gym is pretty fun. I attend one that are received only women. Can you think about 50 potential PMS' doing exercises together? We are so loud sometimes! The teachers are funny and interested in help us to reach our goals. I hope that with 3 months i can see some diference. If so, i'll be here to post something with a picture of me.

sexta-feira, 15 de maio de 2009

WAIT, wAiT, wait...

I had many options, but i decided to keep my good perspective about everything in my life and I'll do my best to be active while i'm waiting the greatest dreams come true.

"Ye cannot behold with your natural eyes, for the present time, the design of your God concerning those things which shall come hereafter, and the glory which shall follow after much tribulation.
For after much
tribulation come the blessings. Wherefore the day cometh that ye shall be crowned with much glory; the hour is not yet, but is nigh at hand".

Doctrine and Convenants 58:3-4.

Those wise words: "Be of good cheer" had been in my mind for a while...
I cant see with my natural eyes, but I'll be of good cheer!!!!! I'll be waiting.

terça-feira, 28 de abril de 2009


When you are a little girl, nobody will be amazed if you get a new or many news dolls as a birthday present. That happened to me.

Teenagers girls are energetic and most of their stuffs are very colorful. I remember i got a pen with many write colors when i was around 12th birthday. It was in fashion at that time and i was sooooo excited to have my own!!!!!!!

Wake up girl! Or should i say: "wake up woman!"?
Now you're in your 30th birthday, no more dools, no more pens.
You'll get an anti-aging as your birthday present!!!!!!!
Yeah... before i forget to share, i got one.
Who gave me? My best friend!!! Does it hurt more?
Or it just means that she knows more than any other person my
reals age sings? My "cute little" wrinkles?

Thanks my dear friend. I think your present "opened my eyes", no just because it was

for eyes area...

sexta-feira, 17 de abril de 2009

Celebrating the 1st "century" of my existence

Some pics of the time we spent at the restaurant celebrating my birthday (April, 18):
I'm getting older #$%¨*&!#$"[)*]0}%$!arrrrrrrrrrg

Leonardo, my nephew, and my nieces Suellen and Eduarda

Mom, Joelma, my older sister, Me and Grandma

Sylvia, Me and Joelma. We are "The three sisters"

Going back to home, what a birthday
Well, those who look to all of these pictures above don't know what i had made and face to get that point. I'm not a little girl, neither the most wonderful woman, talking about experience. I'm just on the way. I walked, learned, crying or smiling i think i really did my best...

Let me show ya some of my memories about the "century" of my existence, in each age until now:

1 I don't remember anything from that age, but i know i was a fat baby.
2 Neither from that, I just know that i was still fat.
3 I remember trying to show with good cordination with my 3 fingers , what was my age.
4 I was learning that letter "E" has just 3 "arms" and not that much we can write in a letter "I"
5 Showing already that i would have a "yellow" personality, always loudy girl. I also was doing great with pencils in my hand, I was an artist ;)
6 Bored because i change school and was in a grade where i could do all activities in few seconds, i was so smart to kindergarden.
7 Finally in 1st grade, but learning everything so fast, other kids were less fast than me.
8 I gave my 1st kiss. I can't denny! His name was "Rômulo". Dad died that year too. The 2nd stuff wasn't motivated for the 1st btw :)
9 Learning how to live with less money, that isn't easy to kids understand, it was a hard time...
10 I was an actress at scholl. Always in a small teather to perform Portuguese texts we had during the lessons
11 I was in 5th grade. The girl's breasts were growing and i asked myself: "where is mine?" I couldn't find anything in a search under my t-shirt. Too thin girl!!!!
12 I could be in "YW" but i wasn't mormon, so i was falling in love with a nice boy at the school. His name was Fabiano. He was soooooo cute, intelligent and different of other boys...
13 To my sadness, that boy, Fabiano, leave the school that year. He never knew my feelings... For girls on that age the boys should discover our feelings, well, now in 2009, i don't thing the girls are so "slow". My first nephew was born that year.
14 My period begings. Finally! I hated to say: "no" when the girls asked me about that. But, since now, i could open a very large smile to say "yes".
15 High School! Sad at the beggining. Some friends went to other schools. I thought i lose them. My first niece was born that year too.
16 First year studing at night, i hated to lose the great chapters of "novelas"
17 Last year in High School. I found the Gospel and was baptized. I reborn, it was 1996.
18 I had my first birthday party as surprise. My Seminary teacher made it. Thanks Mônica!
19 I understood that i should marry for Eternity, a good mormon guy. I was working as a sale girl that year too.
20 I wrote many letters to missionaries friends, specially Ricardo and Eduardo from my ward.
21 Believe me, i had my 1st boyfriend, Daniel, that year. He wasn't my 1st date or 1st kiss. But 1st boyfriend!!! Daniel said that i was "yellow" he was talking about the color code. It was my 1st contact with these concepts.
22 I was preparing myself to go to university.
23 University, here I am!!!!!!!!
24 Wishing to leave the job as a sale that weren't the best, but i fear too much move on.
25 I was hating my job as a sale girl. It was stressful. But, that was my way of paying bills.
26 The nature requires me to be a mother and i thought i should be maried first. My stake president at that time had counseled me to try online dates. He told me that because he knew there wasn't availables singles mormons to date here. Most of my friends were getting married and i was wishing the same to me. Dating online, i met Wade.
27 The relationship with Wade ends and I met Robert and start dreaming about building a family again.
28 First offcial job as a Secretary, wow. Year of my graduation too.
29 To my sadness the relationship with Robert ends. But, as i "work" fast, i met Ernie and I'm happy. During the Christmas he asked me officially to be his wife. I acepted, of course. We're engaged now.
30 This period just starts to me. I'm enjoying this, but i would prefer to talk about that later in the end of the year or something like that. Maybe, at that time i'll have great news to update.
I'm now waiting for the next 30!!!!!!!!!!

quarta-feira, 15 de abril de 2009

English Teacher

Yeah, proactive people and also talented as i am (hehehehe) are able to work in many different things. I start working with sales, then i decide to go to university and now I'm graduated in Business but to be a Secretary. Since i lose my last Secretary position, i thought and trust (by the way), that i would be blessed, that i could find a job to "do" some money and pay for my bills. it's because internet isn't free and a good insurance health neither!!!!!! Well, I'm here to say that the heavens are opened to me. I don't mean I'm moving to post mortal state, no! Not yet!!!!! You guys should have me close for a while yet! I mean that the heavens are really opened and a friend of mine asked me about 1 month ago: "Cynthia, would you like to teach English?" Can you guess what was the answer that comes out of my mouth? Yes! Yes for both: You can guess and of course, "yes" was the answer.

People, i'm on that team now! I'm an English Teacher. I'm not that polyglot, not yet! But i can teach and have fun. I provide a nice place to make my studants open to learn. I had feel that teacher is the only job that get close to maternity. We are kind of responsible to share some special knowledge that will make the group or person, in that dependence, need you. They need instructions, they will love you. You'll be kind of their hero. I'm really enjoying this! As i can't speak english so perfect yet, sometimes i do mistakes. But i say: "teachers are like taxi drivers, both do mistakes". These words will make sence if you guys know that I'm teaching English for a group of 30 taxi drivers. A nice excuse, don't you think so?

So, in my first day, i studyed the lesson, prayed to ask for Lord's help, instructions and guidance and then i leave to work. It was easier than I thought! Mabe it was just the prayer working!!!!!
I'm greateful for that. I'm greatefull for the friends that i have made. "My" boys look at me as a friend. They come to share their problems, worries and happiness. But, besides that part, and that i can pay my bills, I'm feeling satisfied, useful and happy. I cannot only pay my bills. I can buy more ;) just kidding.

Well, better we kow some of them. These pictures are during the coffe-break.




Alonso. That one brings me home every day for free

Veiga and Moisés.

terça-feira, 14 de abril de 2009

General Conference

These times are always wonderfull to give ear to the Lord's words. I'm so greatefull for the guidance provided by a Prophet and all the General Autorities. I had some inspirational thoughts during the sections. I had some ideas about how to act, what to do. I could feel "why" many things are happening to me. Yeah, we need these Conferences!!!!!!!!

Now, you guys will see some pictures and its descriptions, I hope you enjoy it...


These boys take my patience away. They call me aunt Cynthia. Do I have nephews so old?

Gutão and Messinho (sunglasses)

I had a picture section on Sunday and i couldn't take myself away from this motocicle.

Trust me: I don't drive anything...

Elder Rodrigues, He is in MTC now.

My great friend Natan. I watch most of the sections by his side. It was such a blessing.

We talk a lot. We learned together. We spend some time trying to aplly the talks to our circumstances and it made me remember Institute classes and our talks after the lessons.

As mortal and imperfects we had our time "fofocando" too

Here are some friends that Institute gave me: Juliana, Daniele and Angela.
They are friends who made me remember always who i am and why i have come to mortality. With them i already shared many of my dreams, i talked about my fears and frustrations.


Cristiano (Macaxeira's bishop) toke the youth to eat pizza and celebrate his Birthday. After the pizza section, that was delicious, we had an icecream section. What a yummy afternoon.

Here: Aline, Suellen (my niece) and me

Fanta with Roziane, uhooooooooo

Our "small" table for about 18 people
We were crossing the grid, the gate was closed.
Funny huh?
Suellen and my sister Joelma.
Suellen was late to the Conference, so joelma gave her a ride.

segunda-feira, 16 de março de 2009

It's better to say too much, than never to say what you need to say again

How safe do we need to feel to say: I love you?
How many people don't begin a new relationship just because they remember the frustration of past ones? How many desist of trying to be happy again, planning, beforehand, another frustration?
Happiness is a choice. But i can say more, it is a result of an action, a desire and a hope!
We should hope for more determination to express what we feel, instead of waiting, in a selfish way, the other side speaks in loud voice what our fear is killing right inside of our heart?
I'm so greatful for the time and experience have done changes in my behavior. I'm greatful to say: "I love you" even though i know that statment bringS some promisses in it. I'm here to try again how many times necessary could be. I already did before, to other friends and boyfriends. If i stop trying to be happy, or how the hypocrites can say: "too much", I couldn't be able to meet THE LUCKIEST... then, maybe i would "never say what i need to say again..."

I love you, I love you, I love you, I love you, I love you. I love you, I love you, I love you

It can be hard, but works: If you are heart broken right now, take your time and keep your head up, be smart when fall in love, but not "smart enough" to say such a "silly" statement.

I wish you guys courage to say and to hear how many "I love you" you deserve!!!!!!!!!

sábado, 14 de março de 2009

One more step given yesterday

Since i was born many steps were given towards eternity. I remember when i was a kid and went to the school... i remember learning to ride a bicycle, learning new languages, having the first message with missionaries, my baptism, dating a mormon (he was my first oficial boyfriend "trust me" and i was 21 huh!), going to the University, first and many trainees position in different companies, my first job as a Secretary, i also remember bad things happening to me, when dad and my aunt Graça die, learning how to live with less money, in a small house (how small you don't know), even wishing to eat more and have no thaaaaaaaaaaaat refrigerator full of food, ending relationships that i would like to keep... All of those things gave me more experience, made me stronger than i was before, provided me courage to go ahead and fear not! Ernie is one of the good steps in my life. How marvelous he doesn't know... But, yesterday, i gave one more step in our life together, i sent my application, dreaming with a VISA, so, i'll be able to marry him and start the real life together, being able to walk by his side.

quarta-feira, 11 de março de 2009

Yes, I do!!!!!!!!!!!!

I didn't have an easy life. I grow up where the situations push you to an empty space. Hopefully i found the true Gospel to make me understand that my life has meaning, purpose and direction. I study and spend many efforts going to an University. Yeah! I'm graduated, i'm a Secretary! I wasn't never that lukiest about jobs, but i had many great opportunities in my life. After some months trying to find a job i was blessed with a chance to be a Secretary again. I was so happy! Crazy and funny, as i am, i built good friendships very fast. I was trying to help the people around. My coworkers were boring me sometimes but i was learning so much... it was such a crazy action letting my chair and desk to go and serve those poeple, while my director, could be alone, and the telephone would be ringing without stop, without answer for few minuts while i stop a little to help that company works. I also was there early to turn on the light and the arconditioner to my boss, so his room would be comfortable to him, providing a nice atmosphere. I planned many meetings during the week, all of those weeks. it was such a pressure moment, trying to remember if the managers would need something more besides papers, pens, laptops and projectors and point laser. I remember myself calling all of the people from each meeting that i had scheduled, they were pretty busy and could forget. Coffee? Yeah... i almost forgot the coffee. Many costumers were visiting the director all day long and then if it was raining i thought i could be nice to offer them some coffee, or some cold watter if it was so hot! (As a mormon i don't drink coffee, but as a Secretary i have to offer). Those were business men, so busy that sometimes they didn't acept the drinks because stop to drink something would stole their time. I saw people tired after work for a long time and have no more personal motivation or that one we get from the company. I saw managers with great ideas to help the company growing much more while i saw other cowerkers saying that those managers don't do nothing and get a lot of money. I saw all possibles personalities, i felt stressed sometimes, in other occasions i just laugh... sometimes when i was needing some help i found hands ready to provide solution and show me how to work in a group, those actions were always motivating, as well as can remember i said "thanks for helping me" most of the time. But, after i do my best, i'm being honest, trust me, i did my best, i heard that the company has no place to me. It was pretty hard to hear... it made me sad. I remember myself crying and asking Heavenly Father "why?"... but as soon as i could be more sensitive for an answer, i heard something like: "I'm the manager!" "I'm the Director!" "Do you trust me as your Heavenly Father?" and i said: "yes, I do!"

Vá lavar o botão minha fia...

Lavando o botão...

Eu sempre lavo o botão, ou melhor, os botões. Basta ir ao tanque dar uma de lavadeira, ou jogar umas pecinhas na máquina. No entanto, “lavar o botão” tem uma conotação totamente diferente no vocabulário de vovó Júlia, porque ela é hiperbolicamente metafórica. Quer ver o que ela é capaz de fazer com um simples botãozinho?


Vou lavar o botão: vou tomar banho
Botão: não acho necessário falar...
Vai tomar no botão: expressão altamente ofensiva, ela não usa com frequência.

quinta-feira, 15 de janeiro de 2009

The view from Olinda


Minha foto
Chandler, Arizona, United States
Sou a CEO da minha familia, a chef da nossa cozinha, piloto de fogao, especialista em transportes, decoradora, pscicologa, medica, esposa, mae, amiga... a lista e grande. mas tem uma coisa que sou igualzinha a voce: IMPERFEITA (O).