Daisypath Anniversary tickers

quarta-feira, 11 de março de 2009

Yes, I do!!!!!!!!!!!!

I didn't have an easy life. I grow up where the situations push you to an empty space. Hopefully i found the true Gospel to make me understand that my life has meaning, purpose and direction. I study and spend many efforts going to an University. Yeah! I'm graduated, i'm a Secretary! I wasn't never that lukiest about jobs, but i had many great opportunities in my life. After some months trying to find a job i was blessed with a chance to be a Secretary again. I was so happy! Crazy and funny, as i am, i built good friendships very fast. I was trying to help the people around. My coworkers were boring me sometimes but i was learning so much... it was such a crazy action letting my chair and desk to go and serve those poeple, while my director, could be alone, and the telephone would be ringing without stop, without answer for few minuts while i stop a little to help that company works. I also was there early to turn on the light and the arconditioner to my boss, so his room would be comfortable to him, providing a nice atmosphere. I planned many meetings during the week, all of those weeks. it was such a pressure moment, trying to remember if the managers would need something more besides papers, pens, laptops and projectors and point laser. I remember myself calling all of the people from each meeting that i had scheduled, they were pretty busy and could forget. Coffee? Yeah... i almost forgot the coffee. Many costumers were visiting the director all day long and then if it was raining i thought i could be nice to offer them some coffee, or some cold watter if it was so hot! (As a mormon i don't drink coffee, but as a Secretary i have to offer). Those were business men, so busy that sometimes they didn't acept the drinks because stop to drink something would stole their time. I saw people tired after work for a long time and have no more personal motivation or that one we get from the company. I saw managers with great ideas to help the company growing much more while i saw other cowerkers saying that those managers don't do nothing and get a lot of money. I saw all possibles personalities, i felt stressed sometimes, in other occasions i just laugh... sometimes when i was needing some help i found hands ready to provide solution and show me how to work in a group, those actions were always motivating, as well as can remember i said "thanks for helping me" most of the time. But, after i do my best, i'm being honest, trust me, i did my best, i heard that the company has no place to me. It was pretty hard to hear... it made me sad. I remember myself crying and asking Heavenly Father "why?"... but as soon as i could be more sensitive for an answer, i heard something like: "I'm the manager!" "I'm the Director!" "Do you trust me as your Heavenly Father?" and i said: "yes, I do!"

2 comentários:

  1. I love the way you express your feelings!
    I think you are right. I'm watched you from that day and I was so impressed at how you put your trust and faith in Heavenly Father's hands. You are very inspirational.

  2. eh isso ai meu bem... ponha tudo nas maos do Senhor... Voce ta ligada por que Ele fez isso ne? Ja deste entrada na papelada, agora eh soh esperar. Tu tens sorte de ter um homem como Ernie em tua vida :) O Senhor ABALA!!! Te amo!



Minha foto
Chandler, Arizona, United States
Sou a CEO da minha familia, a chef da nossa cozinha, piloto de fogao, especialista em transportes, decoradora, pscicologa, medica, esposa, mae, amiga... a lista e grande. mas tem uma coisa que sou igualzinha a voce: IMPERFEITA (O).